Results for VIN WDB2020201F947846

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MERCEDES-BENZ C-CLASS (W202) - C 220 (202.022)

MERCEDES-BENZ C-CLASS (W202) - C 220 (202.022)

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DescriptionC 220 (202.022)
Begin Year Month1993-03
End Year Month2000-05
Vehicle Model Series NameC-CLASS (W202)
Fuel Mixture Formation TypeIntake Manifold Injection/ Carburettor
Drive TypeRear Wheel Drive
Body StyleSaloon
Fuel TypePetrol
Engine TypePetrol Engine
Horse Power From150
Horse Power To150
Kilo Watts To110
Capacity CC2199
Capacity Liters2.2

Fluids Capacity & Data

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If you have in mind to buy this CAR, we advise you to advise as much as possible about its real state.
The market for used cars has increased its sales in the last year, until it has become the first option for many users. Especially in the beginner drivers, as his first car.

It is important to have things clear before deciding on this model or another, and you should ask yourself if this car is really what you need.

Long or short?

3 or 5 doors?

Will you do many kilometers?

Will they be on the road or in the city?

These are some of the questions that you should stop and meditate to know if this is really the car you are looking for.

If you are clear that this is your vehicle, there are details in which you have to pay special attention so that afterwards you will not have any surprises.

We strongly recommend asking for a vehicle report, since you will be able to know in detail several very important points about it.

- The real number of owners
- Real KM
- Fines
- Seizures or defaults
- Dates of the last technical inspections
- If it is re-registered, imported, stolen or restored
- If you are not discharged to be able to drive

These are the most important points that you will be able to know when requesting the vehicle report. I have spent a lot of time buying and selling vehicles and I assure you that I prefer to pay a minimum amount for a good report, than to buy a vehicle blindly.

Individual or dealer?

It is indifferent. As a customer you have to know all the details of the vehicle beforehand and the most convenient way is to do it online, the report is immediate.

It is always interesting that the seller is an acquaintance, since it will cost less to admit possible defects that the vehicle has. If not, it is more complicated to obtain reliable information. In any case, you have to be inquisitive and ask everything, absolutely everything.

It must be noted, in some way, how it has been used to date, how many owners it has had, if there have been minor blows or accidents of a certain scope, and even the revision history that has passed. A serious owner must be able to provide this information in a contrasted manner; otherwise, it is better to distrust. But honestly I always distrust and until I have the official data of the report i`am not comfortable.

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