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SEAT S.A. (English: ; Spanish: [ˈseat]; from Spanish Sociedad Española de Automóviles de Turismo, lit.'Spanish Passenger Car Company') is a Spanish car manufacturer that sells its vehicles under the SEAT and Cupra brands. Founded on May 9, 1950, it was created as a joint venture between Spain's government-owned Instituto Nacional de Industria (INI), which held a majority stake, Spanish private banks, and Fiat. After being listed as an independent automaker for 36 years, the Spanish government sold SEAT to the Volkswagen Group in 1986, and it remains a fully owned subsidiary of the Group.

The headquarters of SEAT S.A. is located in Martorell, near Barcelona, at the company’s industrial complex. Over 468,000 units were produced in 2020 with more than 427,000 cars exported to over 75 countries worldwide.

Source: Wikipedia

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